Saturday, October 5, 2019

Interpreting Chinses and English Language Essay

Interpreting Chinses and English Language - Essay Example People living in their homeland are very well aware of their native language but when they travel or migrate to other countries; it gets difficult for them to communicate to people of different countries in their own language. But there is a language which is known as a universal language and that language is normally used and known by all. The language which is referred as a universal language or more appropriately known as an international passport is the English language (Translation, Interpretation and Language Links). English language is one such language which is normally known and used in most of the nations of the world. English is known as an international passport for the reason that if anybody is not aware of the language of any country, English is one such language which can help in at least communicating for a while. Let us understand this notion through an example. If a person is travelling to China for a meeting and the delegates there are not aware of the language, he will take a translator along so that he can translate the Chinese language into a common language which is normally English so that he helps that person in understanding the language through his known language. Nevertheless, translator may be of help at that point and time but a ... It happens many times that there are certain words with dual meaning but the usage of the words is done according to the context and given situation. For translating, it is important to apply rules for combining components, such as words with the background so that one may interpret it as it is said. It is also observed that traditional communications link between cultures is formed by non-native speakers, that is, individuals who are completely fluent in one (the native) language and proficient in another (the non-native language) which is normally a role of translator. Beyond translation, these individuals are also asked to provide analysis and interpretation so that the actual meaning and the context can be understood. However, it is very important to counter difficulties at the time of translation so that interpretation can be accurately done which will eliminate the factor of miscommunication or misunderstanding (Corpus-based approaches to semantic interpretation in natural language processing_(Natural Language Processing) - AI Magazine Encyclopedia_com). Thus, there are many problems in interpreting languages and when we talk about interpreting Chinese and English languages simultaneously; there are some major issues which may occur. Problems encountered while simultaneous interpretation There are times when people having command over languages may face problems due to not being aware of the actual scenario in which certain things are said. While interpreting the facts, one may encounter the following problems: Lack of relevant prior knowledge: The most common problem which is faced by the translators while translating and then interpreting Chinese to English of English to Chinese is due to the fact of not having prior knowledge.

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